Crystal Eby


Crystal Eby



History of Education and Certifications:

  • Graduated from Iowa Mennonite High School.
  • Completed my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certification
  • Continuing my education with a CrossFit Anatomy Course.

How Long Have You Been Doing Fitness:

Inspired by my older brother I started running in the 8th grade on our back country roads in Iowa. That led to running Track and Cross Country in High School. I loved Cross Country.

I ran up until I had my first baby then transitioned to doing a variety of workout videos at home (Tae Bo, Insanity, P90X). Eventually I got bored with the repetition of those and transitioned to taking a variety of classes the Ephrata Rec Center. This led to some connections where I was given the chance to try CrossFit in February 2015. I walked in the first day and absolutely LOVED it! I have never looked back.

What Do You Do for a Profession:

Crossfit Coach, Personal Trainer, and Homemaker.

What Is Your Favorite Exercise:

I’d have to say burpees are my overall favorite exercise with barbell thrusters as a close second....thus making the CrossFit OPEN 14.5 my all time favorite workout:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps, For Time

Thrusters (95/65 lb) 

Bar Facing Burpees

What is Health to You:

Health is wealth. To be able to be active, and perform everyday tasks with mobility and strength, and to position one’s self to avoid sickness and disease is priceless. Being healthy also helps to promote a positive mental outlook.

Favorite Dinosaur:

The Procompsognathus because they are a small but mighty Dinosaur (Source: Coach Sara :))

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